Monday, November 12, 2007

Blog Blog Blog

"I blog, therefore I am." I heard that on a military documentary this afternoon about bloggers in the military. It seems that everyone and their mother has a blog nowadays, and although I thought I would never get one, I have to say that the Band of Bloggers special intrigued me.

To make a long story short I decided to start a blog. To those of you who wonder what I will be the topic of my blogs, they most likely will be anything. I am pretty involved in politics so I am sure I will offer my views on current events but I will also talk about my life among other things.

Anyways, I think I will go back to watching MNF (Seahawks up by 10) and probably work on some Fluids homework.


P.S. For those of you in Fargo, North Dakota Governor John Hoeven's campaign kick-off is taking place tomorrow at 9am at the Echelon building behind Best Buy. Should be a lot of fun!!!

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