Thursday, February 7, 2008

McCain: A Real Conservative or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?

“A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell its numbers.” These were the words Ronald Reagen gave on March 1, 1975 while speaking to the Conservative Political Action Conference. Ronald Reagen, the Gipper as many called him, was the true resurector of the conservative movement.

While thinking of those words Reagan spoke so long ago I am reminded of a Bible verse I have read many times. Luke 6:44 states that "every tree is known by his own fruit." This means that you will be able to tell what type of person someone is by their actions and character.

I want everyone to know that I am a Republican, but more important, I am a conservative before I am a Republican. As a conservative I have a set of

principals that I believe wholeheartedly in and will not waver from. As a Senconservative I was supporting Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor for President. I have donated to his campaign and made calls for his campaign before Super Tuesday in North Dakota. Mitt Romney was a true conservative and that is why I supported him.

Imagine my surprise when I awoke today and watched Mitt Romney step aside in the Republican nomination election. Mitt Romney announced this at CPAC today just before noon. Now that it seems since Mitt Romney, who in my opinion was the only true conservative in the race is gone, John McCain will be the Republican candidate for President of the United States.

John McCain claims that he is a conservative. Well then let us judge him by his fruits.

First, John McCain was one of only two Republican senators who voted against the Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. He now claims that was because the tax cuts did not decrease spending. But let us examine his words. Back when he opposed the tax cuts John McCain said it was because the tax cuts were "a tax cut for the rich." Is this a republican saying this? It sounds like the redistribution of wealth and class warfare that we would hear from Clinton, Kennedy, Obama, Edwards, Kerry, and Reid.

Second, John McCain wrote the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform bill. This bill was a direct attack on a voter's first amendment right of free speech. It made campaign finance reform more lucrative and limited the amount of "free speech" that I have as an American citizen.

Third - McCain/Kennedy. If you are a conservative, why are you writing a bill with Ted Kennedy? This amnesty bill that failed would have allowed that every illegal immigrant who broke our laws getting into this country could stay indefinitely. They would have to pay a $3000 fine (quite a bit cheaper than all the taxes they could have evaded the whole time they have been here), and would have been eligible for a V-visa. McCain argues that this visa is only good for 4 years, but he does not tell us that the bill would have allowed the visa to be renewed indefinitely. McCain now says he has learned and will secure the border but every time he is asked if he would still support his old bill he says that the bill can't be voted on. Senator McCain, the correct conservative answer would be, "No the bill sucked and I would not support it!"

Fourth - McCain/Lieberman. McCain's third signature piece of legislation is a global warming bill. It would add a 50 cent gas tax across the country. So much for lower taxes McCain!!! If a government can tax our energy consumption, they can control everything. I, along with many other conservatives believe in freedom from government and not freedom through government.

Fifth - John Kerry. McCain was really upset when he lost the 2000 nomination to George W. Bush. John Kerry actually asked McCain to be his Vice President before he asked John Edwards. How long do you think it took McCain to decline. I believe it was in the ballpark of about a month!!!

McCain also told conservatives on Tuesday to "settle down." Well guess what McCain. I will not settle down. I will not flip on my values and trade them in to attract people who will change my political party and work against the values I hold so dear.

McCain keeps reminding us that he was a footsoldier in the Reagan Revolution, but I think Laura Ingrams said it best when she stated, "but what have you done lately for conservatism?" I do not see much. McCain, you claim that you can work across the aisle with Democrats just like Reagan did. But Reagan convinced liberals to support HIS agenda and did not abandon conservatives and jump across the aisle.

I'm sorry McCain, but just like Ronald Reagan said in 1975, "A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell its numbers." There are just some things that I will not compromise on, just like the Gipper. You will have a hell of a time convincing me to give you my support Senator John McAmnesty!!!


Chief RZ said...

Doug, not as conservative as I would like, but significantly different from the Democrats.

Deadman said...

You will have a hell of a time convincing me to give you my support Senator John McAmnesty!!!

This just in - McCain drops out of race - cites Dougee's lack of support as main cause for poor poll numbers and decision to abandon his campaign bid for President of the United States in November.

MichelleLeigh said...

just curious...what are/were your thoughts on Mike Huckabee?